The programming language C has been developed by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie in order to create a language for the design and implementation of hardware drivers and operating systems. A lot of experience and great discipline is required to code in this language, since it offers only little safety.
The object-oriented programming language C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup and has evolved from a simple extension to the C programming language into a language of its own without losing backward compatibility. entworfen. C++ has been standardized by end of 1997 but still there are many compilers and libraries which do not fully implement this standard.
The Common Gateway Interface defines an interface between a HTML document and a HTTPserver. With the help of the CGI, a reader of a HTML document is able to interact with applications running at the server and it is possible to display documents of dynamic content (e.g. the results of a search engine query).
Also called spider or robot. A program which scans and analyzes HTML documents for further processing (e.g. for a search engine). During the scanning process, the program may also automatically follow hypertext references in the documents, so that the complete document tree of a web-site can be caught.